👩‍🎓 What is 'Test mode'?

👩‍🎓 In this article, we learn about 'Test mode' quizzing.

What comes before?

In order to access 'Test mode' a student must be logged into their account and be enrolled to the course they want to do testing on (see here for further details on setting up groups for).

We strongly advise that students use practice mode to fully embed their learning before entering test mode, since the time allocated for each question is calculated on the basis of students having done practice mode beforehand.

What is 'Test mode' quizzing?

In test mode, students answer questions and get a score at the end of the test. Testing activity also feeds into their Live Score (which displays the score for the last 12 questions in each lesson).

Questions are individually timed, students receive feedback after each question and students cannot access their notes or tutorials during the testing session.

If a student answers six questions incorrectly in a row, the site will prompt them to return to practice mode.  

How do students start 'Test mode' quizzing?

  1. Through  a test assignment set by the teacher: Students should go to Assignments (at the top of the page) and find the test assignment they want to complete. At the end of the test, the overall score for that test will be displayed in the Assignment details as well as in the Assignment markbook.

    The results of the testing session will also feed into the Live Data panel: "the last 12 question score" for all the lessons that were tested in the test will be updated.

    Note that if students access 'Test mode' through their course page, rather than through their assignments, their progress on the assignment might not be registered.

  2. Student-initiated testing: The students need to go to their course page (see here for more information on how to do this) and find the lesson they want to do testing on. Hover over the lesson and click on the 'Test yourself' button to open up the quiz.

    When a student does a test in a lesson this way, their overall score for the test will be displayed at the end of the test, but only the score for the last 12 questions will be displayed on the Live Data panel.

    Students can also choose to do testing on a whole topic, chapter or course by clicking on a topic and selecting the options next to 'Practice makes perfect'.

Accessing 'Test mode' after 'Practice mode'

Option 1
Once a student has successfully answered 6 questions in a row in 'Practice mode' they will be prompted to enter test mode - this is entirely their choice. They can choose to continue in practice mode for as long as they wish.

Option 2

A student can choose to switch to 'Test mode' from 'Practice mode' at any time by clicking on the 'Switch to Test mode' arrow.