In this article we learn about how to watch tutorial videos on The Everlearner.
What comes before?
You must be logged into your account.
You must be part of a group which is enrolled to the course you want to study.
How do I watch a tutorial?
1. Head to your courses page (see here for more information on how to do this).
2. Click on the topic you wish to study. You will see the lessons within that topic.
3. Click on the 'Start learning' button to open up the tutorial.
(Note that you can also watch tutorials as part of an assignment set by your teacher.)
Engaging with the tutorial
✔️ Whilst watching the video, we strongly suggest you make notes to help you with your learning. This could be online notes on The EverLearner platform or by hand (or both!).
✔️ Note that, if you do not engage with the tutorial (this could be pausing it, rewinding making notes etc.), it will pause and you will be prompted to make notes.
✔️ Note also that, if you skip through parts of the tutorial, those parts will not show in the % of tutorial watched (for example if you completed a 10 minute tutorial but skipped through 2 minutes of it, it would show that you had watched 80%.)
The 'Content' panel
✔️ To the right of the tutorial you will notice a 'Content' panel.
✔️ You can use this to navigate through the whole course structure (except when you're in a 'Watch' assignment, where lessons not in the assignment are temporarily locked). This is especially useful if the tutorial you are watching refers to another aspect of learning you are not familiar with or have perhaps forgotten about.
✔️ You can use this panel to locate the lesson and refresh your knowledge.
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