This article will help you to reset your password
If you have forgotten your password and you can't log into The EverLearner, then follow these steps to reset it.
1. Visit and click on the [Your Account] button at the top of the page ①. Underneath the Username and Password fields, you will see a link to 'Forgot Password?' ②

2. Fill in your registered email address into the email field ① and click [Reset password] ②.

3. The message will explain the next steps.

4. Check your email account. You will receive an email from us. Click the [Change Password] button (1) in the email. (If you haven't received an email, first check your spam/junk folders, if it is not there then please speak to your teacher.)

5. Clicking the link will take you to our website. Type a new password in the first 'Password' field ① and a matching password in the second password field ②. Then click the [Reset Password] button ③.

6. You will see a message telling you your password has been changed. Log in to Your Account ① with the same email address and the new password you have chosen.
7. That's it! Go ahead and log in 😊