👩‍🎓 How do I reset users' passwords?

This articles describes how to reset users' passwords. 

Only heads of department and school admins can perform this task.

Problem : I need to reset a user's password.
Solution : A manual reset of the user's password from the admin interface.


  1. Log in with your teacher, head of department or school admin account
  2. Click 'Admin' > 'Users'
  3. Search for the user in the 'Teachers' panel or the 'Students panel'.
  4. Click the pencil icon next to the user's name.
  5. Click 'Edit information'
  6. Type in a new password. Use the eye to view the password to make sure you have typed what you intended to type.
  7. Click 'Save Edits'.
  8. Inform the user that their password has been changed.
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